Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Project 4 - Participation: Game Pitch Presentation Comments and Review

Other Blog Comments:

Matt Mensher
-        Good voice projection. Need more eye contact and fluency.

Evan LeClaire
-        Need more fluency. Excellent voice projection and decent eye contact. Passable design of pitch document with appropriate color palette used.

Joseph Verducci
-        Need better voice projection. Work on the pitch design.

Olivia Gutierrez
-        Good voice projection. Need to work on relaying your message more concisely. The pitch design should be updated.

Alexander Weitzner
-        Work on pitch document design. Be more concise with rules’ explanation.

Matt Fishman
-        The color palette is passable but needs more refinement. Good presentation with concise rules. Need more eye contact with audience.

Brian Eisenberg
-        Need to update and upgrade design of pitch document. Excellent voice projection and interaction with audience. Good eye contact. Great overall presentation, but need a better pitch document to support it.

John Aromando
-        Very confident and concise in presenting to the audience. Excellent eye contact. Great voice projection. Work to make the game pitch document more graphical and better organized.

Based on the comments I've gotten, there's certainly some work to be done on my design for the game pitch document. Some of the criticism has been based on things that I accept as legitimate mistakes which I will rectify upon final modification of the design. The mistakes had escaped my attention until after publishing the document. Nonetheless, I will work on improving the color scheme and modify some of the graphics to better fit the purpose of the document. I think my visual hierarchy needs some work as well. So, I will basically try to overhaul as much of this document as I can to make it more concise and visually appealing to the eye.

Project 4 - Deliverable: Stargate Worlds - Mood Boards

Lesson 10 - The Cylinder

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Game Pitch Document - Other Blog Comments

Here are my three comments on other blogs about the topic above:

John Aromando's Blog
- You should add some images to this document to add more intrigue.

 Olivia GutiĆ©rrez
- This looks good, but needs some images to visualize the game's essence.

 Evan D. LeClair
- I like the image. Although, it isn't clear whether this is a game pitch or a summary of how to play chess, that problem can easily be solved with a title that provides the needed clarity. Also, try to keep it within one page. This can be done by resizing and repositioning the image.

Response to other comments on my previous blog post:

- Well, unfortunately I did not receive any comments. That is for the third straight week now. Nonetheless, I will improve on the Game Pitch Document I posted earlier by adding some images to visualize the essence of the game being proposed. Also, I want to highlight certain elements of the text in different ways such as bold letters and bigger font sizes. The aim is to make the pitch document more clear and concise for its readers.

 Thanks for reading.

Week 3 Research - Laser Hide and Seek: Pitch Document

Week 2 Deliverable - RPS QuickStart Guide

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

RPS QuickStart Guide - Other Blog Comments

Here are my three comments on other blogs about the topic above:
John Aromando's Blog
- Try to use sans serif fonts for your game instructions.

Olivia GutiƩrrez
- The color palette used is very good. If the instructions could be more graphical, I think it would make the whole thing pop a lot more.

 Christopher Yowan
- I like the concept here. Try using a better color scheme and make the text pop.

Response to other comments on my previous blog post:
- Well, unfortunately I did not receive any comments. That is for the second straight week. Nonetheless, I will improve on the RPS QuickStart Guide posted earlier by adding more graphics into it and changing the color scheme. Overall, my aim is to make it POP a lot more than it does now.

 Thanks for reading.