Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 3 - Deliverable: Laser Hide and Seek - Game Pitch Document


  1. Very interesting design, but I think there's a little too much going on to distract from the information. The "T" logo looks cool, does it stand for "tag" even though the title is "Laser Hide And Seek"? The hide and seek title has poor contrast as well. Cool font and use of images though.

  2. I like the design. Only negative is that some of the graphics do not seem relevant. Could be more specific to your design

  3. Wow very unique I like it a lot. Maybe change up the graphics a bit?

  4. Interesting and unique design. The stick figures make it look a bit amateur but aside from that it looks really nice.

  5. The design is great, really gives off a playful feel to it. The black box at the bottom kinda throws it off a bit, thats the only negative.

  6. This is a very unique design. I love how you added stick figures that interact with your graphics. The text however in the top right should be aligned better within the box. There is too much space towards the bottom and too little towards the top.

  7. If you ever use stick figures in any publication then you have to use ones styled like those you see on street signs. Otherwise it looks extremely amateurish. It also does not really elaborate on the game in any meaningful way, reading more like an advert than a pitch. besides telling us to tag the enemy, it doesn't tell us how we win, what tagging is (you have to assume the reader has never heard of the game before), and pretty much the entirety of the game rules.
