Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Project 11 - Participation - Extra-Credit

Project 11 - Extra-Credit Deliverable - Constructive Criticism

I was told the creativity is excellent. The lighting is well done and very dramatic. The atmosphere and background around the text was commended too. There was some questioning as to the placement of the text within the picture. Overall, the comments were positive with many compliments on the appearance of the project in general. I think the only way to truly improve on this is to add more detail.

Project 12 - Participation

Project 11 - Deliverable - Constructive Criticism

I was told that the drawings look good and have a great amount of detail. The originality was questioned somewhat. But I saw that coming. The logo for Superman doesn't look all too good, but that's an easy fix. I think the biggest aspect of this project to improve on are the poses for the stick figures to further add more realism.

Project 12 - Research

Project 11 - Deliverable - Adventures of Superman

Game Synopsis

In this game, you would play with the familiar character of Superman in stick figure form. The goal would be to take down the enemy soldiers and save any hostages. Through multiple levels of increasing difficulty and plot twists, Superman must save the world while avoiding his greatest weakness, Kryptonite. For if the Man of Steel fails... you only get two more tries before the game is over.

Superman's Powers

- Flight
- Heat Vision
- Super-Strength
- And many more...

Superman's Weaknesses

- Kryptonite
- Hostages
- Lack of will to use Lethal Force (HINT: this would come to haunt him in tougher game levels)

Sample Storyboard


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Project 11 - Deliverable - Extra Credit

Project 11 - Participation

Olivia Gutierrez

The texture is distorted, stretched, and doesn't give the illusion of a real wall. The bad bump map doesn't help the lighting pull off the look of a large maze.

Matthew Fishman

The bump map looks passable, but the images are taken from such a distance that you can't tell if this is a huge maze or not. If anything, it seems the distant shots of the maze are an attempt to hide a disappointing bump map. Also, the lighting here is bad which covers almost the entire maze with no regard to dramatic styling.

Evan LeClair

The texture looks distorted and stretched in various images which fails to pull off the illusion of a real wall. The bump map falls victim to the same problem. From far away, the design is intriguing, but from close up the whole design starts to fall apart. Some of the images do impress, though. And the lighting is not too dramatic, but it does provide a subtle touch.

John Aromando

The texture is too stretched out and distorted. The lighting is too hard in some areas and too soft in others. The images from the distance don't help pull off the illusion of a large maze. The only thing that sticks out here is the quality bump map.

Matthew Mensher

The texture is not a good one and repetition points are very visible. The lighting is not hard enough in some areas to provide sufficient definition to the maze's walls. The bump map is hard to find. The illusion of a large maze is the only thing keeping this effort afloat.

Christopher Yowan

The texture is horrible with no bump map in sight. The lights are too hard and wash out entire sections of the maze. And the distant shots don't give the illusion of a large maze. A better texture is needed for more realism and softer lighting would help too.

Lesson 15 - Contour Tubes

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lesson 27 - A Lettering in Two-Point Perspective

Lesson 26 - A City in Two-Point Perspective

Project 10 - Participation: Wall Texture Comments

Prof. Garvey

The texture looks a little distorted when repeated too many times. Although, the brick wall illusion it gives off is quite realistic from far away, getting closer into it changes that. The lighting could be a little better with a softer edge. Overall, the bump map does a decent job, but more attention needs to be paid to detail. Do that, and you're golden.

Olivia Gutierrez

The texture isn't too distorted, the illusion of a 3D wall looks good from far away, but not up close. The lighting is quite nice. The bump map needs work on the finer details.

Evan LeClair

The texture looks very good which is why the illusion of a realistic wall is excellent. The only thing that can be improved is some aspects of the bump map. The lighting is almost perfect too. Good job.

Joseph Verducci

There's no visible texture distortion and the lighting is elegant. The illusion of a realistic wall is done well. If the bump is improved through its details, it'd would be perfect. Well done.

Christopher Yowan

The lighting needs a lot of improvement. The texture looks very stretched out. Add more repetition to fix that and the illusion of a realistic brick wall will come alive. More work on the finer details of the bump map will also help.

Matthew Fishman

The light should be more focused as a spotlight usually is. The texture is not distorted but the repetition points are visible. You can fix that with some work in Photoshop. A better bump map will help sell the illusion of a 3D realistic brick wall, which right now isn't entirely the case. It'll take doing some work, but you'll like the results.

Project 10 - Concept Development

Brick Pattern

Rendered Image


Project 10 - Reseaarch

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Project 9 - Participation: Pixel Art Feedback

Matthew Mensher

Well executed with no unnecessary pixels. All diagonal lines seem to have been drawn correctly. I just wish there was more customization on this project. Some good color selection with an eye-pleasing color scheme. The simplicity is the biggest weakness here. Add some more creative depth to the piece and you'd be all set.

Christopher Yowan

There are various unnecessary pixels and a lack of proper execution when it comes to shading. This need more work to be on par with proper pixel art standards.

Evan LeClair

This needs better overall execution, especially shading. The image looks flat, so work on the highlights and a more contrasting color palette.

Matt Fishman

Mostly good. Some lines and cubes are not parallel and not properly aligned. Also, while some of the shading really adds realism, the same is not true consistently throughout the picture. Work on better execution and a cleaner resulting product.